Miscellaneous Hawkins' Web Pages
Post date: Dec 4, 2011 9:32:24 PM
Okay, if you are here you probably know me and know this is my website. I just realized that I am not the only one with a website in the family. My brother has one, my cousin Christopher (at least I think it's Christopher, but I'll need to double check later) has one, and my cousin Daniel (not brother) has one too. And I just found out that my cousin Katy also has a web page!
Made me think about the fact that nobody has really put this altogether in one location. This is just a start and I'll probably end up creating a static page for it. But this is just an announcement of the pages I know:
Robert Hawkins: http://www.neohawk.org
George S. Hawkins: www.georgehawkins.net
Daniel Hunsaker Hawkins: http://www.danielhhawkins.com/
Katy Hawkins: http://www.katyhawkinsyoga.com
Christopher Sachs: http://christophersachs.com/
Jack Quigley: http://jack-quigley.com
My sister has a blog but it's inactive and I believe she is too busy at her church to blog much anymore. My brother Dan was never interested I don't think but his company has one at Clarion Healthcare. I'll add more if I become aware of them, but for now that's it.